luminous praising of the divine: January 2006

Saturday, January 07, 2006

as minhas oveilhas...

"It is said that only those who belong to Him will know of things that are kept in the dark. IN THE DARK, YES! Darkness has secrets that not only those who wallow in it partake of - but those who renounce it and abhor it can be aware of as well - to better ward it off. Alas, we live in a day and age when so many fear that they may be empowering evil when they merely acknowledge its existence... And I tell you here and now that this line of thinking is just as foolish as the unbeliever's denial of the EXISTENCE of evil. And even more foolish than the atheist's disbelief in regards to Our Lord Creator God! In fact, it is far worse to presume to be empowering the adversary by acknowledging its presence there or to speak of it in intricate detail - for the knowledge you fear is a weapon that the adversary will use against you at every opportunity he gets to do so. And to be aware of it and dismiss it is, simply put, the apex of foolishness.

We have to stand ever ready to fend off its attacks.
We ever to remain ever vigilant.

So Has The Lord Taught us. And so shall we do."


- Luciano Pimentel c-2007, A.R.R.


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